Rejuvenate your facial skin with your own fat using the Growth Factors technique, developed by Dr. Piyapol Pattanakru, a surgeon who has done the most fat-grafting cases in the Plastic Surgeons Association of Thailand with more than 10 years of experience

Fat grafting by Dr. Ton Piyapol Phatthanakru

 Rejuvenate your facial skin with your own fat using the Growth Factors technique, developed by Dr. Piyapol Pattanakru, a surgeon who has done the most fat-grafting cases in the Plastic Surgeons Association of Thailand with more than 10 years of experience

      At Pmed Clinic, fat grafting is not only about “suctioning” and “filling”, “injecting” and “that’s it”, but also means precise and careful calculations for the best individual results. Pmed Clinic’s fat grafting means using the best tools, and techniques that guarantee the closest results by a surgeon who has specific expertise in fat injection. For us, Fat grafting is currently the most satisfying rejuvenation technique for clients, but it has to be done only by an expert. That’s because adding fat is both a science and an art that requires years of experience in developing skills. And do not rush to decide whom you wish to buy a fat grafting course with until you have finished reading the following information. The performance is 3 times superior to normal fat grafting because we use advanced Growth Factor innovation from Switzerland.

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Before-after pictures

Doctor’s Message

Fat grafting is like planting a tree. “Let us imagine that if we are going to plant trees, we need to rely on things such as seedlings, soil, fertilizer, tree planters, etc. Seedlings are fats that we inject into the subcutaneous layer. Growth Factors are fertilizers that we have developed techniques for almost 10 years until the best fertilizer formula is obtained. The soil is the body of the patient. How old are you? What gender? Do you get enough rest? Do you smoke? drink or not, Do you have a medical condition, etc. We can't fix this part, but we will do our best. and the last one is the grower which requires good technique and is highly experienced. Each step of fat injection has complicated details but is not difficult because it can be calculated in advance. If you have enough experience and attention to it.”

Get to know FAT GRAFTING

Fat grafting is

      Face filler injection with own fat. It is the transfer of fat from areas that we do not want such as thighs, abdomen, arms, back, etc, to where we need to fill up such as cheek grooves, under eyes, around the eyes, flat forehead, temples, high cheekbones, etc.

Who can get fat grafting

      Those who have problems with wrinkles on the face. When you get older, strength between the fascia and the fat layer that holds the face will decrease in some areas causing wrinkles such as cheek grooves, tear grooves, forehead wrinkles, or some people’s cheeks from the reduction of fat around the area. It can be done on both men and women. From the experience of Dr. Piyapol’s fat injection case, it was found that fat tends to stick better with men than women. And can do it until the age of 60 or older. There have been patients aged 60 years who have come to add fat and found that the fat sticks as well as a younger women.

Technique uses

      Growth Factors is the first technique that Dr. Piyapol used in Thailand. This technique is the most advanced fat grafting technique. Different from the traditional method, when liposuction, it will be spun and separated from the fat. and mixed with Growth Factors to become a fat that is stable and adheres 3 times better than the previous technique compared to the first technique about 20 years ago. Only about 30% of fat will stick because fat is fragile and breaks down easily when repositioned. But with the Growth Factors technique, fat can be stuck up to 80-90% by using less amount.

Technique uses

● 2 hours spent in the surgery room. After the procedure, you can live a normal life, no swelling, no bruising.
● remove the stitches in 7 days.
● 1-3 months, the time is taken for the face to settle into place. After the first month, the fat will collapse and become stronger within 3 months.

4 STEP fat grafting process

 Step 1 Face Analysis

 The doctor said The surgeon must have knowledge of the dimensions of the face. Knowing what angles each person’s face has and which angles will look really beautiful when the fat is added. The doctor himself had already taken a sculpture and painting course from Poh Chang Academy of Arts, which is part of the specialization in cosmetic and facial reconstructive surgery. Chulalongkorn Hospital includes this subject in the curriculum for surgeons to understand the beauty in the dimension of art as well. The doctor said that the bone that forms the front frame is a hard dimension. and the soft part that contains fat is the soft dimension. When people get older, they have less fat, causing their cheeks to deflate and temples to deflate, which makes the face look stiff. It may be solved by injecting more fat into the cheeks and temples, etc., depending on the needs of the patient and the possibilities according to the doctor’s diagnosis. It is not possible to use one method to solve problems for all people.

 Step 2 Liposuction

 This procedure takes no more than 15 minutes and uses about 100-200 cc of fat. The doctor will calculate in advance how much will be taken from which organ. Most of which will be sucked from the thigh first. If it’s not enough, then suction on the abdomen. Most of them end up in the abdomen. And about 85-90% of patients choose an anesthetic injection method and say with the same voice that the doctor’s hands are very gentle, why it doesn’t hurt. During the procedure, you can talk to the doctor normally.

 Step 3 Fat Separation

 The technique uses is the Growth Factors technique, which Dr. Piyapol pioneered in bringing this technique to Thailand. The doctor uses a special technique to separate fat. And using high-precision equipment to extract Growth Factors from the blood and mix them with fat. The doctor pays great attention to Growth Factors because by itself it is already food for fat. It will be a fertilizer for the fat and when the fat has been injected, it will stick well up to 80-90%.

 Step 4 Fat Grafting

This step requires expertise in how much injection is needed for each location, which must be taken into account of when the fat collapses as well. In principle, “inject just enough or a little more” and “do not inject too much” because it will cause the face to swell and looks like another person. And removing those excess fats is very difficult because the fat on the face if it sticks, will stick well, unlike fat in other areas. The face has a lot of muscles and fascia, so it is difficult to scrape off the fat and can easily swell and bruise. The doctor must be very careful in injecting and requires a high level of expertise.

Doctor’s Message

adding fat to make a substance that temporarily paralyzes the muscles “Most of the time, I will inject it all in one go. But there are some areas that are not conducive to fat graftings, such as the forehead, which is like a hill. in other locations, planting 100 trees and maybe 80 will grow, but if planted on the forehead, only 60 will grow, so I will have to see again if it should be injected again or not. Usually, when injecting fat in areas that have a lot of movement, such as the forehead or cheek, there will be a chance that there will be fat grooves because the movement disturbs the fat ‘seedlings' that we just planted. It's still a sapling, if we disturb it, it might not fit. I would also recommend injections that cause temporary muscle paralysis as well for the best results.”

Self care after fat grafting

Although Dr. Piyapol’s patient was able to return home immediately after fat grafting, taking care of yourself after that is something you need to do too. It’s just as important as the filling process. The fat that has just been filled into is like a young seedling. It needs both food and nourishment for those fats to grow. Things to take care of include:

  •     Eat your 5 a day
  •     Do not eat more fat than usual. But absolutely do not starve.
  •     no smoking no alcohol
  •     Get enough rest, don’t stay up late

 Doctor’s Message
A helper after procedure with Pharmann cosmeceuticals

 “In addition to going home to rest, and eats your five a day, we have a special cream that helps reduce swelling, bruises or inflammation, the brand is “Pharmann” from Poland. You don’t need to use this cream forever, just the first 5-7 days are enough.”

Dr Piyapol Phatthanakru

Facial changes after fat grafting

1 month period

oedema period

2 months period

Dissolution of the oedema, the fat is still weak, superficially, as if the fat that has been added has disappeared

3 month period

fat grows on the face and falls into place. The new fat merges with the skin as one.

 Compare different types of fillers with your own fat
 Okay! Now can decide where would you want to get your fat grafting done if you were to do it.

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Fat replenishment usually lasts for many years, on average 5-7 years, depending on the behaviour of the patient, for example, facial massage, using heat, sleeping late often, drinking alcohol regularly or getting older. Fat will be reduced according to our body mechanism.

Dr. Ton Pemed Clinic’s unique technique, there is a chance of the fat being stuck as high as 70% -80% and can last for many years.

#But it all depends on the satisfaction of each patient. If the patient wants to have a facial volume all the time or like a round face, you can have an i

Fat grafting can rejuvenate the skin and stimulates collagen in the subcutaneous layer to look better again. Dr Ton has a special technique to increase Growth Factor, which is the use of blood extracts with a special separator. 3 times more concentrated than PRP. Resulting in substances that help fat stick better by 20%, reducing swelling for a long time after the procedure. And helps clear skin, reducing blemishes by 60-70% on the first time, helping to make pores noticeably smaller. Makes the skin softer too.

Fat grafting by using the patient’s own fat to fill in the depleted or deep grooves on the face. It makes the face shape, look younger and the face looks fuller and more dimensional.

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